If It’s Not The Best Product For You, Why Are You Using It?

We talk a lot about wanting the best for ourselves and our families. We want the best quality air to breathe, the best water to drink, the highest nutrition in our food, the best car, the best television, etc….Why is it that when it comes to pool and spa products, we often settle for what’s available or what is the least expensive? Is it because we don’t really care about our pools or their safety? I don’t think so…people clearly care but sometimes don’t realize the implications. So, is it a lack of knowledge and awareness of what should be used in a pool? Most likely yes.

How do we solve this? In a prior post, we explored how to find products we trust. Building on that…how do we determine which products are “the best”? “The best” is very hard to quantify as it is a subjective measure. Reviews, recommendations and reputation all contribute to this evaluation of what is the best. Knowledge is power and the more you learn the more empowered a shopper you will be, Ultimately, what is best for each situation and each pool may be different. However, it is important to evaluate a set of criteria such as cost, value, performance, trust etc…and make a decision about the best product for your needs. Once this is decided…don’t accept less…don’t accept substitutes , watered down products and understand that products are quite often not equivalent or “the same”.

Once you have determined the product that is the best…there is really only one question…Why aren’t you using it?

Give our Bio-Dex Concentrated, Service quality products a try and you won’t be disappointed!